Monday, September 9, 2024


An audit is your tailor-made map to navigating through your degree requirements. It records your academic history and current academic status. While the audit is an unofficial document, it contains important information to help you work through your studies.

The audit provides you with your degree title, degree requirements, year standing (first, second, third, fourth), any minors, concentrations and specializations you have added to your degree, courses that you have completed or are currently registered in, grades for each course, Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPA), academic standing (for example, Eligible to Continue), remaining requirements for graduation and more.

Because the audit is an ever-changing document, it is important that you review it often, especially after you have added or dropped courses. You have access to your audit 24-hours a day, seven days a week by logging in to Carleton360 from the Current Students website and selecting “myAudit” from the important links menu. You can also find more information by watching helpful how-to videos from the Registrar’s Office which walks through the audit step by step.

Stay on top of it! You are responsible for making sure that you are meeting the degree requirements outlined in the Undergraduate Calendar. It is always a good idea to meet with your departmental advisor to discuss your progress in your program. Carleton students are responsible for ensuring they have met the requirements to graduate; your degree audit is your tool for staying on track.

Remember, your roadmap to graduation starts here! Check MyAudit. Watch your progress grow and stay on track!

Monday, September 9, 2024 in , , , ,
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