
Exam Scheduling and Administration

Service offered by the Scheduling and Exam Services Learn More
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Assessments at Carleton are offered in-person or online, depending on the objectives of a specific course. You may be able to see the information on exam delivery during registration or find it in the course outline when your instructor makes it available at the start of the term. Scheduling and Examination Services (SES) creates the centralized exam schedule for formal exams (finals and deferrals), and schedules in-term assessments held outside of class time, including specialized exams requiring the use of technology and accommodated exams with assistive technology or other requirements.

SES also assists in administering the various types of exams at our university, e.g. by offering e-Proctoring service for digital exams to uphold academic integrity or providing the Distance Exam Service to students unable to take an in-person exam at Carleton due to being located 160 km or more away from campus.


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