New Academic Challenges

This month many students will receive substantial academic feedback. Midterms are being graded and major assignments are being returned. Some first-year students may see no change in their grades from high school, but for others they may find their marks have dropped a little. It is not unusual for students to change their majors as they become aware of different academic opportunities.

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • November 25, 2020: Winter payment deadline.
  • December 11, 2020: Fall term ends.
  • December 12 to December 23, 2020: Final examinations in fall term courses and mid-term examinations in fall/winter courses take place.

Changes to the Winter 2021 Academic Schedule

In order to allow your student more time to enjoy the holiday season and to rest between terms, the university is delaying the start of the Winter 2021 term from Wednesday, January 6 to Monday, January 11, 2021.

In addition to these changes, Carleton University will be closed from Thursday, December 24, 2020, through Tuesday, January 5, 2021, inclusive. The university will reopen on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Please review the Registrar’s Office website for a complete list of dates and deadlines for the Winter 2021 term.

Flexible and Compassionate Grading Options (SAT/UNSAT) For Students

The Carleton University Senate has approved the use of flexible, compassionate grading options for undergraduate students in the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 terms. Specifically, Senate has approved that unsatisfactory (UNS) grades will replace any Fail (F) grade for the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 terms. SAT/UNS grades are not used in the calculation of CGPA, which means that changes in academic performance due to the current disruption will not affect students’ permanent records.

For more information, visit the Academic Advising Centre website.

Help Your Student Succeed with Virtual Resources

It’s important for your student to stay active and prioritize their mental health while learning during these unprecedented times. Help them find safe ways to engage in physical activity, like going for a walk or run, a bike ride or accessing Carleton’s virtual fitness classes.

Carleton’s Health and Counselling Services remains open virtually, and continues to offer confidential support including Same-Day Counselling. Carleton Wellness can also connect your student with other means of virtual counselling, such as Empower Me Counselling Services and TAO Self-Help.

Upcoming Activities and Events

The Campus Activity Board (CAB) is a student organization that provides innovative and engaging programming to Carleton students. CAB is led by students who plan, promote, execute, and evaluate a diverse range of events and activities.

Upcoming events:

Community Connections Mentorship Program

Community Connections is a mentorship program organized through the Mentorship Network, designed to provide students with a customized peer support program. The program is open to any students who may be looking for more support during their university experience.

Students who participate in Community Connections will be able to access peer support on an ongoing basis, further understand resources and services on campus, participate in activities designed to further enhance a sense of belonging on campus and discuss challenges, highlights, goals, and areas of growth with a trained peer mentor.

For free registration, please contact by email or visit the Community Connections website for more details.

Afro-Caribbean Mentorship Program

The Afro-Caribbean Mentorship Program (ACMP) is an initiative dedicated to supporting the success of African, Caribbean, Black (ACB) and other racialized undergraduate and graduate students on campus while encouraging them to be confident members in our Ottawa community.

The ACMP recognizes that the experiences of ACB and other racialized minorities encounter racism, such as anti-black racism, and other forms of discrimination, that impede upon their social development as students. Advocating for an inclusive campus is ACMP’s mission while supporting the success of racialized students.

For more information on how you and your student can get involved, visit the ACMP’s website.

Fall Graduation Celebration

All students who have applied to graduate in November 2020 and meet their degree requirements officially graduated on October 30, 2020, after approval from the Carleton University Senate.

Although the convocation ceremony has had to be postponed at this time, the graduates will still be provided with the opportunity to celebrate their academic success! Carleton University will be hosting a virtual graduation celebration on Saturday, November 14, 2020. More information is available on the Carleton Convocation site.

Academic Withdrawal

Academic Withdrawals will create no financial change to Fall term fees and will result in a grade of Withdrawn (WDN) appearing on your student’s official transcript.

The Academic Withdrawal deadline to drop a fall term course is December 11, 2020, the last day of classes for the fall term. After this date, your student will no longer be able to drop the course. The Academic Withdrawal deadline to drop a full session (fall/winter) course is April 14, 2021, the last day of classes for the winter term. After this date, your student will no longer be able to drop the course.

Carleton University's Virtual Fall Open House

Interested in learning more about undergraduate programs at Carleton University? Prospective students are invited to join us for our next Virtual Fall Open House on Saturday, November 7, 2020. This event will feature the dynamic programs offered in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Public Affairs and the Faculty of Science. Students will get all the information they need to apply by visiting our online booths and chatting one-on-one with professors and student services staff; attending live, virtual information sessions; and accessing exciting online resources. Find out more information and register online!


Office of the Vice-President (Students & Enrolment)

503 Tory Building
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 5B6
