Sexual Assault Awareness Week (SAAW) 2025 at Carleton University


Quote the Raven: Annabeth Perry
Student Placement with the Department of Equity & Inclusive Communities

Annabeth Perry

Sexual Assault Awareness Week is an annual campaign where post-secondary institutions across Ontario come together to host events to support survivors and educate the community.  This year, the event will take place from Monday, January 27 to Friday, January 31, 2025. Organized by the Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities, in collaboration with campus and community partners, the week will feature a range of events aimed at raising awareness about the ongoing issue of sexual assault. This is sought out by designing these events and spaces with survivors in mind, demonstrating a commitment to supporting them while working to prevent sexual violence on campus. Some things to look forward to are the Cozy Up to Self-Care drop in event in the library, a grounding yoga session, a trauma-informed accessible self-defence course and a grounding and traditional teachings event for Indigenous students. The full schedule of events is on the Equity website.

Awareness and activism are key when working towards preventing sexual and gender-based violence. When engaging in activism it is important to remember you are not alone! Ensuring you have a solid support system is crucial to doing this important work. This can include peer support, friends, family, mentors, co-workers, trained mental health professionals and more. As human beings, we are inherently social and thrive on connection. Sharing the human experience with others can be deeply rewarding.

A helpful tip for those involved in activism is to reflect on the motivations behind your involvement. Why is activism important to you? Reconnecting with your purpose can provide clarity, especially during moments when progress feels slow or hopeless.

Another important point I would like to touch on is caring for yourself. While it may sound cliché, it is essential to take breaks. Living in a society that often prioritizes productivity can make this difficult, but as Eleanor Brown wisely said, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” Take breaks, make sure you eat and drink enough, do your hobbies, if you can move your body in a way that makes you feel good, practice gratitude, prioritize your mental health and wellbeing. You do not have to have it all figured out right now, celebrate the small accomplishments!

If you have experienced sexual violence, please know your story matters, it was never your fault, you matter, and you are not alone. If someone you know has been subjected to sexual assault, be sure to offer extra care and support during this week of awareness.

By raising awareness through these events, Carleton aims to inform individuals about sexual assault, recognizing it as a pervasive issue that many people face and one that is deeply embedded in our culture. Through education and awareness, we hope to inspire meaningful change. I encourage you to explore the scheduled events and consider how you can contribute to making a difference in your community.

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