Party Safe Tips


Quote the Raven: Juliet Sapezinskas
Team Lead, Health Promotion Team

Juliet Sapezinskas

Hey Carleton students!

No matter what year you are in, you can always learn a new tip on how to party safe(r) and have fun while always looking out for yourself! With big events like Panda and Halloween coming up, we all like to engage in activities with our friends which could impact our mental, physical, and emotional wellness. We aim to not stigmatize these actions but encourage you to conduct them safely, to look out for yourself and others well-being.

  1. Monitor your consumption of alcohol.

Count the amount of alcohol you are consuming. A crucial tip when big events are approaching is to monitor your consumption of alcohol and ask if this changes during these events. Everyone has different tolerance levels so it’s important to know your personal limits, not try and keep up with your friends. Mixing substances like alcohol and/or cannabis can cause unpredictable adverse affects, one being “crossfaded.” You will not be allowed into Panda if you are visibly under the influence and can possibly be fined for public intoxication. It is important to watch your drink at all times. Anything mixed with alcohol can cause serious side effects or health issues. If at any point you feel effects, please seek medical attention immediately.

  1. Go out with people you trust

Exploring new situations is fun but make sure to share these experiences with those you trust. Make sure that you are comfortable with the people around you and feel as though they would look out for you in any situation that can be associated with going out, attending parties, consuming alcohol, etc. If you are in need of help, it is best to be with people who have your best interest at heart and who understand when additional support is needed.

  1. Consent

Consent is an important aspect of everyday life and comes up more often when you’re interacting with potential partners. It is crucial to understand consent for yourself and others. If anyone is under the influence, they cannot give consent. Every person reserves the right to say no or refuse advances, and to withdraw consent at any time during any activity.

Before you engage in any sexual activity, make sure both parties enthusiastically and continuously consent to the events that will follow. To protect yourself and your partner(s), make sure that you are using forms of protection such as condoms (internal or external), dental dams, birth control, and/or a combination.

  1. Make a plan before going out

Before you start using substances or partying, make sure you consider what your plan is for the night. This can include deciding how many drinks you plan to consume throughout the day or evening, prepping how much water you will be drinking throughout the night and when you get back home, and making sure you have a meal before you drink and have available food for the rest of the evening.

It is a good tip to let others know where you will be and to have an emergency contact or friend aware of your plan.

  1. Find a safe way home

Driving under the influence of any substances can be life threatening and is illegal. Alternate options are calling a cab, Uber, or other ride share apps, taking the bus, or choosing a designated driver at the beginning of the night to make sure everyone gets home safely. Arrange rides ahead of time so you aren’t left scrambling at the end of the night!

For more information, or to discuss how you can stay safe when attending Panda, visit the Party Safe Fair on Thursday, September 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Nideyinàn atrium (formerly known as the University Centre)!

Have a fun and safe Panda game, Ravens!

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