Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sexual Assault Awareness Week 2025

Carleton University’s annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week runs from Monday, January 27 to Friday, January 31, 2025.

The Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities along with campus and community partners will be hosting a variety of events and workshops for the Carleton community to attend throughout the week.

The campaign is aimed to educate and raise awareness on the impacts of sexual violence on campus, but most importantly, it is to demonstrate a community of care for survivors at Carleton. Collectively, departments across campus work together to ensure this week is meaningful by creating events and spaces with survivors in mind and demonstrating their commitment to supporting survivors and preventing sexual violence on campus.

Each year, Carleton’s goal remains the same: foster a culture of consent among the community and strengthen support for survivors. The featured artwork this year highlights this with the following message: “Practice makes patterns, creates culture, weaves new worlds.” Sexual violence prevention won’t happen overnight, but the goal is to continue to prioritize this work to create a world free from sexual and gender-based violence.

Some events to look forward to are the Cozy Up to Self-Care drop-in event in the library, a grounding yoga session, a trauma-informed accessible self-defence course and a grounding and traditional teachings event for Indigenous students. For a full schedule of events, visit the Sexual Assault Awareness Week webpage.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 in , , ,
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