Friday, September 6, 2024

U-Pass: OC Transpo Card Issue

Update #2: Friday, September 13, 2024

The issue with OC Transpo’s payment terminals reading U-Passes persists for some students.

OC Transpo is extending the U-Pass grace period until Friday, September 20, 2024. This grace period is to allow OC Transpo time to implement a software fix.

Students who have issues tapping their card on the bus or O-Train will be allowed to board if they show their Campus Card to the operator.

Update #1: Friday, September 6, 2024

Some students have reported issues with tapping their Campus Card on OC Transpo bus and train payment terminals. Some students have reported receiving error messages after tapping, despite having a valid U-Pass.

OC Transpo is extending the U-Pass grace period by one week, until Friday, September 13, 2024.

Students who are having issues tapping their card on the bus or O-Train will be allowed to board if they show their Campus Card to the operator.

U-Pass and Campus Card Combined This Fall

As a reminder, the U-Pass and Campus Card are now combined.

If your Campus Card was issued before Monday, July 1, 2024, you will need to add the new transit application to your card at the Campus Card Office in 407 Nideyinàn during office hours. You will be enrolled in the program and your U-Pass will be activated as soon as you meet the eligibility requirements. This process replaces the blue U-Pass card and reloading method.

If you received your Campus Card after Monday, July 1, 2024, the transit application is already on your card. Your U-Pass will be activated automatically.

On your first bus or train ride, hold your card on the terminal for up to 10 seconds to activate it. Once activated, simply tap your card for future rides.

Friday, September 6, 2024 in , ,
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