Monday, June 17, 2024

VPFA Search Committee Membership Established

Dear Members of the Carleton Community,

We are pleased to announce the commencement of our search for a new Vice-President (Finance and Administration). We have established the Advisory Committee to assist this search with the support of the Senate and the Board of Governors, with Boyden facilitating the process. Meet the committee members.

As we move forward to establish the criteria for this search, we would like to highlight that your feedback is invaluable as we seek to identify our next financial leader. We encourage all members of our community to complete this short survey and contribute to a collective vision that captures our community’s spirit while setting the ground for our continued growth and success.

Please complete the questionnaire by June 28, 2024. Additional information about the search and the process is available on our dedicated website.

Thank you for your time and feedback.


Jerry Tomberlin
Chair, Advisory Committee on the VPFA
President and Vice-Chancellor

Monday, June 17, 2024 in , ,
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