Thursday, March 23, 2023

CUPE 4600 Collective Bargaining and Potential Impact on Classes

This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

Dear Student,

You received an update yesterday regarding the ongoing collective bargaining between Carleton and CUPE Local 4600 Unit 1 (Teaching Assistants, some Research Assistants and Service Assistants) and Unit 2 (Contract Instructors).

The university’s bargaining teams continue to meet with both Units and we remain hopeful that finalized collective agreements for both of these important and valued employee groups will be achieved.

However, in the event of a strike, you can use the Course Status Table webpage to determine if your courses would proceed as scheduled or could be impacted. Information about your labs, tutorials and discussion groups will be communicated to you by your instructor or department. You are expected to continue your course work and attend your classes if they are being held.

Regardless of the status of your course, it is strongly recommended that you regularly check official Carleton communication channels, such as your Carleton email account (CMAIL) and Brightspace, to ensure you are receiving the most up to date information.

Please be assured that we will update you as more information becomes available. FAQs related to the potential labour disruption can be found on the Carleton Bargaining website.


Suzanne Blanchard
Vice-President (Students and Enrolment)

Thursday, March 23, 2023 in , , ,
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