Celebrating Staff Appreciation Week

Happy Staff Appreciation Week! We hope that you’ve been able to take time this week to celebrate yourselves and each other. In case you missed it, you can read Suzanne’s thank you to the division on the Student Support Intranet. If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time to participate in some of the virtual staff appreciation events scheduled this week.

Thank you again to each of you for making the Students and Enrolment team so special!

S&E Person to Person: May 2021

We have compiled a list of staff who have accepted different positions and assignments across the division in May 2021. Congratulations to everyone who has joined the division or who has accepted a new position!

View the Students and Enrolment Person to Person for May 2021.

Student Support Services at Carleton: An Evidence-Informed Approach

Register now for the next Student Support Services at Carleton: An Evidence-Informed Approach session. This workshop will provide participants with evidence-informed insights and current trends at Carleton, as well as the opportunity to reflect and ask questions to continue enhancing support for our students. Visit the Student Support Certificate Intranet to learn more about this and other upcoming workshops.

Hire a Co-op Student

There is still time to hire a co-op student for the Summer or Fall term! Contact Karen Kedrosky to find out more about the generous funding solutions available to financially support student co-op terms, such as the Campus Co-op Employer Fund (CCE) and Student Work Placement Program (SWPP). To get started, simply create an account on CUHire to post your co-op opportunity. The Co-op team will provide dedicated support to help you through their efficient hiring process.

Researchers in Accessibility

As part of the Coordinated Accessibility Strategy implementation, the READ Initiative is establishing the Researchers in Accessibility network at Carleton. Accessibility is a key societal priority and a growing interdisciplinary area in research and innovation. Over the last three years, the READ Initiative and its collaborators have attracted $12.5 million in grant funding. If you’re interested in seeing if or how your current work aligns with accessibility, please reach out to the READ Initiative by contacting Jessie Gunnell to discuss your research and working together. You can also read more about the benefits of joining the Researchers in Accessibility Network on the Student Support Intranet.

Fall Course Delivery

Carleton is planning for a significant proportion of courses – in particular seminars, labs, experiential learning and smaller classes – to be offered in-person on campus in a safe way in Fall 2021, subject to government regulations and public health guidelines. The Fall 2021 course schedule is now available and includes a combination of in-person and online course delivery types. To help demystify this new approach, the Registrar’s Office has prepared an excellent resource on course delivery types. If you are working with students, consider learning more about Fall course delivery and getting familiar with the new terminology.

Spring & Summer CUFit Passes

Focus on your health and fitness this summer with a CUFit Pass! Members have access to a variety of online classes to meet their fitness needs and interests, including cardio, strength training, dance, martial arts, yoga and pilates. For those who want to take advantage of working out in the warmer weather, outdoor instructional fitness classes will also be starting on June 14, 2021. Visit the Athletics website to learn more and register.

Congratulations to all Carleton Graduates!

Carleton will be hosting virtual graduation celebrations from June 21 to 25, 2021, along with many faculty and departmental events, to honour the important achievements of our graduates. Check out the Carleton Convocation website to learn more about the upcoming plans for celebrating our graduating Ravens this spring.

Let's Bike Ottawa

Sustainability Carleton and Healthy Workplace have partnered to highlight all things cycling this June. One opportunity is the annual Let’s Bike Ottawa event. This campaign gives participants the chance to explore cycling as a fun activity and alternative mode of transport, while also having the chance to win prizes, such as vouchers to local Ottawa Stores. To get moving with Let’s Bike Ottawa, simply sign up individually or as part of the Sustainability X Healthy Workplace team.

Visit the Healthy Workplace website to learn more about all the other ways to engage in biking activities this summer!

Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Protect yourself and the Carleton community from COVID-19 by getting vaccinated as soon as you are able. The COVID-19 vaccines have been rigorously tested during their development and then carefully reviewed by Health Canada experts. Only vaccines proved to be safe, effective and of high quality are authorized for use in Canada.

If you have questions about vaccine safety, please refer to a trusted source such as Ottawa Public Healththe Government of Ontario, or the Government of Canada.

Growth and Professional Development and Opportunities

Newsletter Submissions

Share your exciting new initiative, innovation, success or announcement across the division by submitting your item to the next edition of this newsletter!


Office of the Vice-President (Students & Enrolment)

503 Tory Building
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 5B6

Website: carleton.ca/studentsupport